Promotion of the Circular Economy and Effective Waste Management

Unique Reference Number: 
Southern Region Waste Management Plan Office (SRWMPO)
No. of documents attached: 
Boundaries Captured on Map: 
Southern Region Waste Management Plan Office (SRWMPO)

Cover Letter

The Southern Region Waste Management Plan Office (SRWMPO) co-ordinates the implementation of the Southern Region Waste Management Plan 2015-2021, on behalf of the ten local authorities in the Southern Region. The Regional Waste Management Plan provides the framework for the prevention and management of wastes in a safe and sustainable manner, and includes the promotion of resource efficiency and the circular economy as one of its strategic objectives. Particular emphasis is placed on preventing and designing out waste at the initial stage of any activity, thus achieving the highest level of the waste hierarchy, namely waste prevention. The SRWMPO also wishes to promote emphasis on these principles within Cork City Development Plan.


Encourage the principle of the Circular Economy

It is welcomed that the role of the Circular Economy as well as the need for waste prevention and effective waste management are all acknowledged in a number of Chapters of the draft Cork City Development Plan.  

We feel there is also potential to include direct reference to the Circular Economy in certain other sections of the draft Development Plan, in particular in the opening Chapter 1 Introduction. Inclusion in Chapter 1 could show that the Circular Economy has benefits not alone with regard to waste infrastructure, but also in the wider general economy.  Appropriate wording to include within Section 1.5 Strategic Vision could be

'Cork City Council plays a fundamental role in the transition from a linear to a circular economy as they are responsible for key policies in public services that affect citizens’ wellbeing, economic growth and environmental quality. This plan will foster the linkages to transition from linear model to a circular model which keeps resources in use for as long as possible.'


circular economy
Resource Efficiency
Waste Prevention
Main opinion: 

Chapter 1 would be a good place to initially promote the importance of the Circular Economy, so that it can be seen to link with the Development Plan in general, i.e. part of sustainable development and making efficient use of resources.

Main requests: 

Incorporate reference to the Circular Economy within Section 1.5 Strategic Vision

Main reasons: 

The Circular Economy is a positive strategic way of looking at sustainable development.

The SRWMPO encourages the recognition of economic and employment opportunities that can arise through the Circular Economy through efficient resource use and reuse and activities that maintain the value of materials.

In Chapter 7 Economy and Employment, such as in Sections 7.53 to 7.56, reference could be made to the relevant opportunities that engagement in the Circular Economy could bring.  Additionally, there is potential for social enterprises to be set up around Circular Economy activities such as reuse, repair as well as recycling initiatives at community level – ref Objective 7.6 Social Enterprises.  It is noted that reference to the bioeconomy and circular economy is included in Objective 7.22 Diversification of the Rural Economy.

Circular Economy Job Opportunities
social enterprise
Main opinion: 

Adopting the principles of the Circular Economy to the economy in general has the potential to reap wider economic rewards outside of just waste recycling.

Main requests: 

Inclusion of the Circular Economy within sections on different industrial sectors and also with regard to social enterprises

Main reasons: 

Encouraging a wider interpretation of the Circular Economy rather than just recycling.

Recommendation to include reference to 'Waste Management Infrastructure - Guidance for Siting Waste Management Facilities'

The upcoming National Waste Management Plan for a Circular Economy (NWMPCE), which is likely to be made in early 2022, will replace the Southern Region Waste Management Plan 2015-2021 and the regional waste management plans for the other two regions. The NWMPCE will include the new guidance document Waste Management Infrastructure – Guidance for Siting Waste Management Facilities, the scope of which includes broad siting criteria and facility specific guidance for consideration when siting a waste facility.    We recommend that reference to this new guidance document be made within Chapter 9 Environmental Infrastructure, in particular within the section relating to Waste Management.

Guidance for Siting Waste Management Facilties
Waste Management
Main opinion: 

It is recommended to refer to 'Waste Management Infrastructure – Guidance for Siting Waste Management Facilities'

Main requests: 

Inclusion of reference to 'Waste Management Infrastructure – Guidance for Siting Waste Management Facilities'

Main reasons: 

This new siting guidance is of direct relevance

Proposed reference to new draft 'Best Practice Guidelines for the preparation of Resource Management Plans for Construction & Demolition Waste Projects'

In April 2021 the Environmental Protection Agency published new draft guidelines, Best Practice Guidelines for the preparation of Resource Management Plans for Construction & Demolition Waste Projects,  for which public consultation closed in June 2021.   The draft guidelines, which will be finalised shortly, supersede the Best Practice Guidelines on the Preparation of Waste Management Plans for Construction and Demolition Waste Projects, which were published in July 2006.  We recommend that reference be made to these new draft guidelines in Chapter 11, potentially to be included within Sections 11.14 to 11.22  on Statements to Support Development Proposals, and also  in Section 11.265   Management of Construction Sites.

Construction waste management
Waste Management
Main opinion: 

The new draft Guidelines on construction waste management are soon due for full publication and are of direct relevance to construction waste prevention and management

Main requests: 

Inclusion of reference to the construction waste management guidelines - potentially within the section on Statements to Support Development Proposals and also in Section 11.265 Management of Construction Sites

Main reasons: 

The Construction Waste Management Guidelines are of direct relevance.


Unique Reference Number: 
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Boundaries Captured on Map: 