The Modal share for cycle trips is not ambitious enough

Unique Reference Number: 
Patrick Cronin

4. Transport and Mobility


In the CMATS the Target for modal trips taken by bike is only at 4%. I believe to help meet out reduction in carbon emissions, This number needs to be up around at least 15-20% trips.


I believe with the recent developments in the cycling Network around Cork, in just a year. And if these improvements were to be followed on year after year, the projected network would be vast enough to create a prominent cycling culture in cork. 

The quality of cycling infrastructure needs to be addressed, While improvements of recent are certainly a positive, there needs to be a challenge to how we develop cycling infrastucture. To make it as accessible and as safe as possible. This means instead of just bollard protected cycle lanes, we think creatively about the design of these cycle lanes. Such as Pollinator and planter protected, Parking protected and bus stop islands. So that the cycle lane doesnt have to be broken by a bus stop. 


there can be many small wins to accelarate our transformation of the cycling network, such as cycle priority light at junctions.