Future Population Growth
Should future population growth be allocated in line with recent population trends within the city, or should specific parts of the city be considered for concentrated growth? If so, where?
Efforts should made to encourage population growth in areas that are either well serviced currently (i.e. with public transport, amenities, utilities) or have the capacity to be well serviced in future. Development should be discouraged in areas that are poorly serviced and where barriers to proper service provision exist.
Areas within the city that are most suitable for population growth include:
- City centre: Much of the city centre island and surrounding area is developed but there is scope for infill and intensification of use in certain areas
- North and South Docklands: The docklands area provides the greatest scope for population growth and development in the city. It is vital that associated infrastructure is provided in line with development to ensure viability. Plans should include enhancement of the river front as a public amenity e.g developments should be set back from the river to allow the river front be used for leisure, walking routes, tree groves etc
- Tivoli: Plans should include enhancement of the river front as a public amenity e.g developments should be set back from the river to allow the river front be used for leisure, walking routes, tree groves etc. The proposed rail station at Tivoli should be situated to maximise potential use for the area.
- Blackpool: Much of the area is suitable for infill development e.g. the area between the N20 and the Old Mallow Road from Blackpool Shopping Centre out to the West Link Business Park. The re-opening of the rail station (with potential for commuter rail services) would greatly enhance the potential of Blackpool.
Suburban towns that are close to existing or planned public transport links. Such areas include
- Ballincollig and western suburbs (proposed light rail route)
- Blarney/Stoneview (proposed commuter rail and park and ride)