Summery of Key Messages/Policies
Key Messages/Policies:
- The “15 minute city”
- Pavements are sacred and where much of the life of the city happens
- Multi-generational Playful Spaces
- Regreening & De-paving
- Universal Design & Access
- Humans love contact
- Lee to Sea green way with spur to Ringaskiddy
- Redevelopment of city centre library
- New Library for Mahon/Blackrock
- Safe Routes to Schools
- School Streets
- Orbital Planning to accommodate trip-chaining nature of women’s transport
- High-quality, joined up cycle network that is designed to “All ages and abilities” and subject to disability and gender audits.
- Implementation of a “Dublin City Beta” style initiative for trialling projects in Cork City
- Data-driven policy making
- Publication of Data and real-time information
- Further Development of Community Response Forum Sectors as focal points for local actions
- Blue Badge Parking Spaces to be maintained, up-graded and enforced
- An acknowledgement that not all disabled people drive and that investment in walking, cycling and public transport is a progressive form of transport funding which support the many.
- Move away from the trend of high levels of private rental in the city core towards social, cooperative, affordable and/or home ownership to encourage community building and placemaking.
- Dereliction within our city to end. High penalties imposed and collected. Make it so that it is better to sell a property along rather than sit on it until it falls apart.
- Safe Injecting Centre(s) for the city.
- Public Toilets are an access issue and should be installed
- The City Centre Core acknowledge and viewed as a home space to many.
- Cork’s own “Rediscovery Centre”
- Human Friendly Public Spaces.
- Formal & Informal Seating improved upon and expanded
- 70:20:10 Rule should be applied to ascertaining funding for projects/trials
Strengthening what is already there: Connecting existing projects: New Ideas or Initiatives
- Tree Base Gardens
- Passive Surveillance through policies that encourage more time on the streets
- Biodiversity corridors with steppingstones where breaks happen.
- All Goals to be specific and have key measurable indicators of success.