Cork City Council, Air Quality Strategy 2021 – 2026

Closed3 Mar, 2021, 09:00 - 31 Mar, 2021, 23:59

Cork City Council, Draft Air Quality Strategy 2021–2026

Cork City Council is putting its Draft Air Quality Strategy (2021-2026) out for consultation.

The strategy outlines the actions that Cork City Council will undertake between 2021 and 2026 to reduce the concentrations of air pollutants in the city area; thereby positively impacting on the health and quality of life of residents and visitors.

The Strategy builds on significant work being conducted by Cork City Council to develop a high-quality air monitoring system and to develop initiatives that will significantly lower the levels of pollutants in the air in the city.

Scope of the Strategy

Implementation of the Air Quality Strategy will involve the input of numerous departments within the City Council as well as contributions from external stakeholders. The actions set out to deliver the strategy have been separated into seven themes, namely;

  1. Health and Well-being
  2. Air Monitoring
  3. Travel
  4. Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure
  5. Regulation and Enforcement
  6. Green Infrastructure
  7. Research and Innovation.

The draft Air Quality Strategy is available at this link:

Have your say

Submissions or observations are invited from all and can be made by the following means:

Public Consultation Portal:


By posting your submission to:
Air Quality Strategy, Environment Department, City Hall, Anglesea Street, Cork T12 T997

By E-mail:


Cork City Council’s GDPR policy and Privacy Policy is available on our website 


Should you have any queries please:

Air Quality Team, Environment Department, City Hall, Anglesea Street, Cork T12 T997


Closing date for submissions: 31/03/2021.

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10 submissions have raised observations relating to this consultation.


Air Quality