Economic Diversity

Closed24 May, 2016, 08:00 - 14 Jun, 2016, 17:10


Support the maintenance of a diverse economic base within the city



CONTACT (lead and partners)

Action Ref. #

Stimulate the further development of the City Centre and support it as the main employment and retail location 

Develop the city centre economy though a range of actions developed through the CORE and City Centre Forum

Cork City Council, CORE, City Centre forum (Bus Eireann, Cork Business Association, Cork Chamber, Cork City Council, Garda Síochána, Hospital and Retail Sectors)




Support the development and operation of traders’ associations in the City Centre


Cork City Council  and Local Enterprise Office, Cork City


Actively promote Cork City Centre in the Cork City Region and beyond, as the main retail, cultural and entertainment centre for the region.


Cork City Council, CORE (Bus Eireann, Cork Business Association, Cork Chamber, Cork City Council, Garda Síochána, Hospital and Retail Sectors)


Promote Cork City as a location for inward investment

Cork City Council, Cork Smart Gateway



Facilitate the provision of a range of property options to meet the needs of  businesses at all stages of development – from startup, incubation and grow-on to mid-sized and large floorplate

Through the City Development Plan identify a range of suitable locations to facilitate businesses in a wide range of sectors


Cork City Council


Develop co working space in the city centre

Cork City Council



Secure the continued redevelopment of the City Harbour/Docklands area


Cork City Council



Promote economic and general development in the city centre  through targeted financial incentives and supports including facilitation of testbeds


Cork City Council, Cork Smart Gateway



Strengthen Cork’s enterprise  base through the provision of a first stop shop to support the establishment  of new businesses and growth of existing  local enterprises

Provide a business information and advisory service

Local Enterprise Office, Cork City


Provide a range of enterprise support services designed to maximise business potential and support the long term sustainability of enterprise and creation of jobs

UUC, CIT, Local Enterprise Office, Cork City and other city stakeholders


Promote Cork internationally as the location to place to invest, work, study, live and visit

Implement the Cork strategic messaging and branding project

Cork City & County Councils, Cork Smart Gateway & other stakeholders



Promote Cork as a location for inward investment

Cork City & County Councils, Cork Smart Gateway & other stakeholders



Make Cork a “must visit” destination through implementation of the collective strategy for Growing Tourism in Cork

Cork City & County Councils & other stakeholders & Visit Cork


Continue to enhance and develop Cork City’s tourism offer

Cork City & County Councils, Cork Smart Gateway & other stakeholders



Promote Cork as a destination for business tourism (conferences, meetings etc)

Cork City & County Councils, Cork Convention Bureau, Cork Smart Gateway & other stakeholders

