Interim Cycle Infrastructure Phase 1

Closed15 Jun, 2020, 12:06 - 2 Jul, 2020, 17:06




Interim Cycle Infrastructure Phase 1

Notice is hereby given that Cork City Council proposes to install interim cycle infrastructure/traffic calming measures as outlined below.

The overall aim is to provide interim, safe, high quality cycle infrastructure to serve the needs of the increasing numbers of cyclists using city streets in response to peoples changing travel patterns.  

Scheme 1        Centre Park Road – provision of a dedicated outbound cycle lane, adjustments to traffic lanes, new lining, new signage, installation of edge protection and renewal of surfacing as required.

Scheme 2        Monahan’s Road, – provision of a dedicated inbound cycle lane on Monahan’s Road and Marquee Road. The work includes adjustments to traffic lanes, new lining, new signage, installation of edge protection and renewal of surfacing as required.

Scheme 3        Terence MacSwiney Quay, Horgan’s Quay & Victoria Road, - provision of a dedicated outbound & inbound cycle lane. The work includes adjustments to traffic signals, adjustments to traffic lanes, adjustments to parking, new lining, new signage, installation of edge protection and renewal of surfacing as required.

Plans and Particulars of the proposed development are avalable for inspection to the right of this page under the "Materials" heading

Submissions and observations with respect to the proposed development, dealing with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area in which the proposed development is situated, may be made

  • in writing to the Senior Engineer, Infrastructure Development, City Hall, Cork. It should be clearly marked “Interim Cycle Infrastructure Phase 1”
  • alternatively, submissions can be made electronically by clicking on the "Make A Submission" icon to th etop right of this page.



The Closing date for receipt of submissions is on or before:

5.00 p.m. on Thursday the 2nd of July 2020.

All comments, including names and addresses of those making submissions and observations, submitted to Cork City Council in regard to this scheme, will form part of the report to be presented at the monthly meeting of Cork City Council. Accordingly, they will be included in the minutes of that meeting and may appear in the public domain. Cork City Council will retain data for no longer than is necessary and in accordance with the Council’s Retention Policy and relevant Data Protection legislation.


Ann Doherty                                                                                                      Date:  12th June 2020

Chief Executive

Cork City Council


158 submissions have raised observations relating to this consultation.


Road Safety
Road Markings
Cycle Lane
Cycle Track
Sustainable modes of transport
Centre Park Road
Monahan's Road
Albert Quay
Albert Road
Victoria road
Horgan's Quay