MacCurtain Street Public Transport Improvement Scheme

Closed14 Jul, 2020, 09:00 - 11 Sep, 2020, 17:00

Part 8 Planning Notice


Notice under Section 179 of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 and Part 8 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as amended)

Pursuant to the requirements of Part 8 of the Planning & Development Regulations 2001 (as amended), notice is hereby given that Cork City Council plans to carry out road network and public realm improvement works on MacCurtain Street and a number of roads & streets in the city centre as described hereunder (“the proposed development”)


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The proposed development for the various streets include;

  • Coburg Street and Bridge Street
    • Convert Coburg Street from two eastbound general traffic lanes to one new westbound general traffic lane and one eastbound bus lane (24 hour);
    • Provide two new bus stops on Coburg Street with associated bus shelters;
    • Upgrade the southern footpath along Coburg Street to include the relocation of the public bike share scheme within the same area;
    • Upgrade the northern footpath along Coburg Street;
    • Provide set down spaces and loading bay on Coburg Street;
    • Introduce a bus priority signalised junction at the junction of Bridge Street with Coburg Street;
    • Provide new paving and enhanced pedestrian provision through the junction of Bridge Street and Coburg Street;
    • Introduce a new southbound bus only lane (24 hour) on Bridge Street to replace one general northbound traffic lane;
    • Upgrade the footpaths along Bridge Street to include the provision of a pedestrian ramp adjacent to the steps at the junction of Bridge Street and St Patrick’s Quay;
    • Provide loading bay on Bridge Street;
    • Upgrade all existing traffic signals along Coburg Street and Bridge Street to include the provision of CCTV at the junctions;
    • Provide enhanced public realm to include ancillary street furniture, cycle parking and trees;
    • Upgrade the existing public lighting network along the streets;
    • Coburg Street and Bridge Street will be resurfaced and new road markings presenting the revised traffic management along both streets will be installed.
  • MacCurtain Street and Harley’s Street
    • Convert MacCurtain Street from one way eastbound to two-way traffic;
    • Provide enhanced public realm to include, wider footpaths, a spill out area, trees, cycle parking, disabled parking spaces and the provision of set down spaces which can be temporarily converted to outdoor sitting areas under licence;
    • Provide a paved shared surface area within a central position along MacCurtain Street to include its junction with Harley’s Street;
    • Pedestrianisation of Harley’s Street with service access retained for premises directly accessed from Harley’s Street;
    • Provide two new bus stops on MacCurtain Street with associated bus shelters to the east of Harley’s Street;
    • Upgrade existing traffic signals to include provision of CCTV at the junctions;
    • Upgrade the existing public lighting network along the street;
      • Provide night time taxi rank.
  • Cathedral Walk
    • Convert Cathedral Walk from its junction with Watercourse Road to North Link Road (N20) from two eastbound traffic lanes to one east bound traffic lane and one westbound bus lane (24 hour);
    • Provide a new signalised junction at the intersection of Watercourse Road, Cathedral Walk and Upper John Street;
    • Provide bus priority at the junction of Cathedral Walk and North Link Road (N20)
  • Camden Quay, North Link Road (N20) and Mulgrave Road
    • Provide a new footpath and a new two-way cycle track to replace the existing southern footpath on Camden Quay;
    • Remove the eastbound contra flow bus lane along the northern side of Camden Quay;
    • Provide right turn lanes and ghost island road markings along the central median on the North Link Road within the scheme area;
    • Provide new pedestrian gateway at the junction of Popes Quay and Mulgrave Road;
    • Upgrade the junction of Camden Quay / Christy Ring Bridge to provide for enhanced pedestrian and cycle crossing on the bridge and revised traffic movements at the junction. The junction upgrade will include for the provision of CCTV and new traffic signals and bus priority measures;
    • Provide new bus stop on Mulgrave Road and a new bus stop on Camden Quay;
    • Replace a section of the existing northbound cycle lane with a new two-way off road cycle track between Christy Ring Bridge and Popes Quay.
  • Christy Ring Bridge and Lavitt’s Quay
    • Provide two eastbound general traffic lanes on Lavitt’s Quay;
    • Install a right turn restriction for all traffic, except for buses travelling from Lavitt’s Quay to Christy Ring Bridge;
    • Upgrade all traffic signals along the quay to include provision of CCTV;
    • Provide set down spaces and a loading bay on Lavitt’s Quay west of Emmet Place;
    • Provide a new two-way cycle track on the eastern side of Christy Ring Bridge to replace one existing northbound traffic lane.
  • Leitrim Street
    • Provide an inbound cycle lane;
    • Provide an outbound cycle track between Hardwick Street and the North Link Road;
    • Provide set down spaces, on-street parking and loading bays along the western side of the street;
    • Reduce two southbound traffic lanes to one southbound traffic Lane;
    • Upgrade the existing public lighting network along the street;
    • Upgrade all existing traffic signals along the street.
  • Devonshire Street and Pine Street
    • Replace the existing eastbound lane with a westbound general traffic lane on Devonshire Street;
    • Provide a westbound bus lane (24 hour) on Devonshire Street;
    • Upgrade the existing footpaths and public lighting system;
    • Provide a new signalised junction at the intersection of North Link Road and Devonshire Street;
    • Provide additional on street parking and loading bay on Pine Street.
  • St Patrick’s Hill,  St Patrick’s Place and Wellington Road
    • Reverse the section of St Patrick’s Hill between MacCurtain Street and St. Patrick's Place from southbound currently to northbound traffic flow;
    • Relocate the existing on-street parking from the western side of the street to the eastern side of the street;
    • Provide enhanced pedestrian facilities to include new pedestrian signalised crossings on St Patrick’s Place and Wellington Road and a raised pedestrian table at the junction of Sidney Hill;
    • Modify the existing parking in the vicinity of Sidney Hill to include the provision of set down spaces and a coach parking area.
  • St Patrick’s Quay
    • Provide a new two-way cycle track on the southern side of the Quay;
    • Relocate some of the existing coach parking facilities to Anderson’s Quay, Lower Glanmire Road and Alfred Street;
    • Provide set down spaces on the western side of Mary Elmes Bridge and relocate loading and disabled parking bays from the northern side of the street to the southern side;
    • Upgrade the traffic signals at the junction of St Patrick’s Quay/ Bridge Street and St Patrick’s Quay/ Brian Boru Bridge;
    • Upgrade the existing footpaths and public lighting network along the street.
  • Penrose Quay
    • Modify the northern footpath on Penrose Quay approach to its junction with Brian Boru Street.
  • Merchants Quay
    • Replace one westbound general traffic lane with an eastbound general traffic lane;
    • Replace a section of an existing eastbound cycle lane with a new two way off road cycle track;
    • Relocate the existing pedestrian crossing on the street;
    • Retain the existing loading bay on the southern side of Merchant’s Quay;
    • Upgrade all existing traffic signals along the street to include provision of CCTV;
    • Install a right turn restriction for all traffic except for buses travelling between Merchant’s Quay and St Patrick’s Quay;
    • Upgrade and modify the footpaths on both sides of the street to accommodate the new traffic management arrangements;
    • Upgrade the traffic signals at the junction of Merchant’s Quay/ St Patrick’s Street to accommodate new traffic arrangements.
  • Brian Boru Bridge and Brian Boru Street
    • Convert one lane of Brian Boru Street from southbound traffic flow to northbound traffic flow;
    • Convert a section of the central southbound traffic lane to a northbound right turn bus lane on Brian Boru Street;
    • Convert one lane of Brian Boru Bridge from southbound traffic flow to northbound traffic flow.
  • Summerhill North
    • Provide a bus only right turn lane from Summerhill North to MacCurtain Street.
  • Lower Glanmire Road
    • Provide coach set down bays with associated shelters along the northern side of the existing bus only lane;
    • Provide a new bus stop on the northern side of Lower Glanmire Road to include an enhanced waiting area for passengers;
    • Upgrade footpaths on north side of the Lower Glanmire Road.
  • Anderson’s Quay and surrounding streets
    • On Anderson’s Quay replace the westbound traffic lane with an eastbound traffic lane from its junction with Clontarf Street to Custom House Street;
    • Provide a new coach parking area along the northern side of Anderson’s Quay;
    • Upgrade the public realm in the vicinity of the new coach parking area to include upgrades to the public lighting along the street;
    • Upgrade of the junction of Anderson’s Quay and Clontarf Street.


In accordance with the Habitats Directive, an Appropriate Assessment Screening has been carried out on the project, in relation to any potential impacts upon the Cork Harbour Special Protection Area [Site No. 004030] and the Great Island Channel Special Area of Conservation [Site No. 001058]. The findings of the AA screening noted that no significant effects on any Natura 2000 sites is likely and it was not necessary to undertake any further stage of the Appropriate Assessment process.

In addition, the proposed development has been screened to determine whether an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is required and it has been concluded that there will be no real likelihood of significant effects on the environment arising from the proposed development and that an EIA is not required.

Plans and Particulars of the proposed development, including an Appropriate Assessment screening report and an Environmental Impact Assessment screening report are available to view by visiting

Alternatively they will be available by appointment for inspection on working days from Tuesday the 14th of July to Tuesday the 25th of August, 2020 at Reception Desk, Cork City Council, City Hall, Cork.

Please contact or phone 021-4924247 to arrange an appointment or to receive a hard copy of the brochure outlining the background to the scheme.

forumHave your say

Submissions and observations with respect to the proposed development, dealing with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area in which the development would be situated, may be made;

  • in writing to Senior Engineer, Infrastructure Development, City Hall, Cork. It should be clearly marked “MacCurtain Street Public Transport Improvement Scheme.”


Closing date for all submissions is on or before 5.00 p.m. on Friday the 11th of September, 2020.

All comments, including names and addresses of those making submissions and observations, submitted to Cork City Council in regard to this scheme, will form part of the statutorily required report to be presented at the monthly meeting of Cork City Council. Accordingly, they will be included in the minutes of that meeting and may appear in the public domain. Cork City Council will retain data for no longer than is necessary and in accordance with the Council’s Retention Policy and relevant Data Protection legislation.


Ann Doherty
Chief Executive
Cork City Council

Date: 14th of July 2020


63 submissions have raised observations relating to this consultation.


Cycle Track
Cycle Lane
Bus Lane
Sustainable modes of transport
Public Transport
Traffic Lights
Public Realm