Draft Cork City Heritage & Biodiversity Plan 2021-2026

Closed12 Mar, 2021, 09:00 - 16 Apr, 2021, 17:00

The draft Cork City Heritage and Biodiversity Plan (2021-2026) has been produced. It is an action plan and sets out a series of realistic and practical actions to protect, conserve and manage our Heritage over the next five years.  The Cork City Heritage and Biodiversity Plan includes actions on Archaeology, Built, Cultural and Natural Heritage, so is a combination Heritage and Biodiversity Plan.

We want to know what Heritage and Biodiversity you value and want to see enhanced and celebrated and we want your opinion on how the Cork City Heritage and Biodiversity Plan (2021-2026) can best achieve this.

The information gathered will feed into the final Cork City Heritage and Biodiversity Plan (2021-2026), which will guide what Heritage actions will be prioritised in Cork City over the next five years.

Have your say by completing the survey.

The draft Cork City Heritage and Biodiversity Plan (2021-2026) can be viewed via the following link.



Data Protection:

Cork City Council is committed to fulfilling its obligations imposed under the Data Protection Acts 1988 to 2018 and the GDPR. Our privacy statement and data protection policy is available at https://www.corkcity.ie/en/council-services/public-info/gdpr/. We request that you read these as they contain important information about how we process personal data. 

I consent to the collection and processing of the data provided by me to Cork City Council  for the purposes of public consultation for the draft Cork City Heritage and Biodiversity Plan (2021-2026).



The closing date has passed and submissions are no longer being accepted.