N8 Silversprings Junction Upgrade Part 8 Planning

Closed18 Dec, 2017, 09:00 - 30 Jan, 2018, 16:00







N8 Silversprings Junction Upgrade



Cork City Council propose to carry out improvement works on the N8, Silversprings junction on the Lower Glanmire Road in Cork City. Silversprings Junction is located at the interface between the N8, R635 North Ring Road and a local access road to the Tivoli Docks.

The Proposed Scheme comprises the reconfiguration of approximately 950m of the N8 Lower Glanmire Road and the junction slip roads including:

  • 390m of raised central reserve to be installed on the N8 Lower Glanmire Road
  • Reconfiguration of the N8 inbound carriageway and diverge slip to extend the existing dual carriageway by 450m with a new lane drop diverge configuration and including 880m of pavement works, footpath works etc
  • Reconfiguration of the N8 outbound carriageway and merge/diverge slip to a lane drop/lane gain arrangement including the extension of the existing splitter island and 535m of pavement works
  • Approximately 220m of new-shared pedestrian / cyclist facilities adjacent to the westbound carriageway
  • Provision of a new signalised crossing of the N8 Lower Glanmire Road
  • Provision of new zebra crossings on the inbound merge and diverge slips
  • Various road marking and signage across the extent of the scheme
  • Relocation and replacement of existing street lighting and drainage gullies
  • New boundary wall to the former HSS hire building.

The particulars of the proposed measures are available for inspection on the tabs to the right of this page. Document 1 includeds the planning drawings for the proposed scheme, Document 2 shows a copy of the site notice which has been erected in a number of locations around the location of the proposed works, Document 3 is a Enviormental Impact Assesment Screening report, Document 4 is a Screening Report for Appropriate Assesment and finally Document 5 includes a copy of the Planning notce that was advertised in the Irish Examiner on the 15th of December 2017. A hard copy of these documents is also availible for viewing on request at the Reception Desk, Cork City Council, City Hall, Cork. These documents are availible from Monday the 18th of December until Tuesday the 30th of January between the hours of 9.00 am and 4.00pm(Monday to Friday) or 24 hours a day on this website.


Submissions and observations, dealing with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area in which the proposed development is situated, may be made through this online consultation portal by pressing the "Make a Submission" icon or in writing in an envelope clearly marked “N8 Silversprings Junction Upgrade” to the Roads Design Division, Room 331, City Hall, Cork, or by email to roadsdesign@corkcity.ie before Tuesday, the 13th February 2018.


Ann Doherty

Chief Executive

Cork City Council


Sustainable modes of transport
Pedestrian Safety
Vulnerable Road Users Safety
City Development
Important Transport Corridors
Creating a long term Vision for the Cork City Docks: 2018-2050
Cork City Improvement Works