Submissions by topics "Transport and Mobility"Subscribe to Submissions by topics "Transport and Mobility"

Please see attached PDF submission with maps and attached cover letter (email and address have been redacted from Cover letter, submission redacted as  submissions in relation to  zoning is not...
  Submission on behalf of Cork Healthy Cities Steering Group, August 2020   In January 2012 Cork City was designated by the World Health Organisation...
Save the City Centre:   - Keep and Expand the pedestrianisation and outdoor seating devolped as a part of Covid - Create Some street awnings that faciliate outdoor seating during...
Turn the city centre, back into a residential area and pedestrianise most of it.
We can increase the percentage of people using such methods by incentivizing and trending them. We need to make these options the best and easiest options to travel. People go for ease most of the...
Please consider this proposal in the Development plan.
I personally feel that the pedestrianisation of the city is a rushed idea. For the moment we still drive cars, trucks and buses. In the future that is not going to change. The mode at which the...
I ask for support and fast-tracking of the Lee to Sea Strategic Greenway which would go from the Inniscarra dam to Crosshaven. It would be a flagship Greenway for Cork. It would be...
Submission to the City Development Plan. North / South connections for the light rail systems must be given serious consideration. Gliders as used in Belfast again a thought for the future of...
Post the proposed installation of a fixed rail bridge….no merchant vessels will ever again berth in Cork City, no foreign Naval vessels, no small Cruise Vessels, Tall Ships, no...