Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Louise Jordan

View Management Framework

The proposed route is not appropriate, through the Nature Reserve that is the Glen River Park.  The construction of the path would require a lot of work to widen the pathway, destroy trees and possibly disrupt the river.  This park is a quiet oasis in the city.  The park is used by families and people walking their dogs.  The biodiversity in the Glen is vulnerable to over intrusion by speeding bicycles.  Lighting would destroy insect and bird habitat.  Just leave the park alone!!  

An alternative route along the North Ring Road/A20 is much more suitable for cycling and safer for school children, as it could be a wider path with better lighting.  It is less hilly than the route through the park.  There is a wide footpath on the Park side of the North Ring Road that can easily be widened to accommodate the cycleway, this option is cheaper and does not destroy the biodiversity of the Glen Park.

Glen River Park
cycle route