4. Transport and Mobility

There should be no more housing at Ennismore as the area is overpopulated and there is a need for a large Neighbourhood Park to facilitate the residents in the area.

The Middle Glanmire Road needs massive investment to facilitate public transport as it is not acceptable that the residents have to use their own private transport to travel to work and school and to go shopping. It is very bad for the environment the use of private transport and Cork City Council need to provide an upgraded Middle Glanmire Road that can be used by Electric Buses and provide bicycle lanes for the residents.

Cork City Council needs to widen the Middle Glanmire Road to facilitate public Transport as the road presently isn’t fit for purpose and it is Health and Safety hazard and particularly will be once the new 54 houses at Ennismore are occupied which from progress on the site will be early in 2022.

public transport
Middle Glanmire Road
bicycle lanes
electric buses

There is serious lack of investment on the Middle Glanmire Road and it needs upgraded substantially to facilite public Transport


There should be no more housing development at Ennismore once the new 54 houses are completed

Main reasons: 

There is inadequate infrastructure in the area to accommodate more housing