Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Cork Green Party

3. Delivering Homes and Communities

Re-centre the focus in Blackpool to the centre of the old village, where people live, rather than the continued development in the area of the Retail Park.

Bring the Library into the village from the shopping centre complex.

Protect the Bride River - stop the proposed plan to culvert the river.  It is more costly than more sympathetic interventions. The culvert would speed up the flow of water through Blackpool, increasing rather than decreasing the likelihood of flooding.  It would wipe out the local otter population and diminish general biodiversity.  It would strip the locality of the well-being amenity that the river used to be and could be again if well tended.

Make a cycleway along the North Ring Road, not through the Glen River Park, as suggested in the plan.  There is plenty of room to safely facilitate a cycleway on the existing road.  The Glen River Park would be irreversibly damaged by the currently proposed infrastructure.