Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Kevin Long

4. Transport and Mobility

This request is that promotion of Car Free days would be included in the Transport & Mobility Strategic Objectives , Active Travel Objective 4.4. 

The Cork Metropolitan Area Transport Strategy 2040 proposed to use promotional events such as Car Free Day, EU Mobility Week, Ciclovia, POLIS and Velo-City Conference, to promote and encourage walking and cycling in Cork. CMATS2040 states that these measures should be actively pursued with Pure Cork.

The Cork City Council Climate Adaptation Strategy 2019 Action 8.16 , sets out that the city would use European Mobility week and other related promotions to support a greater uptake of active travel in the city.

The Green & Blue Infrastructure Study section 9.25 table 9.1 identifies an opportunity to continue to promote walking and cycling through schemes such as European Mobility Week and other related initiatives. Across Europe, European Mobility Week culminates in the popular car free day where streets are closed to motorised traffic and open to people.

Regular car free days in the City centre would provide an attractive and unique experience in our city that would both encourage more people to travel into the city centre and promote a greater transport modal shift towards active travel. Car Free days are proven to be a popular event in many cities across the world. Car Free Days are an effective means of promoting a change in mindset to reduce reliance and use of cars within the city. 


Regular Car Free Days in Cork City Centre would provide an attractive and unique experience in our City centre. Cork City centre is competing with out of town shopping centres as well as online retailers in attracting customers. Car free days can promote the city centre as a more enjoyable destination as well as encouraging a transport modal shift towards walking, cycling and public transport.


Volume 1 written Statement, Transport Chapter to include a statement that promotes Car Free Days as shown in CMATS2040

Main reasons: 

Car Free Days are an opportunity to enhance the city centre environment and promote a change in mindset towards active and sustainable travel modes