Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Gerard O'Brien

4. Transport and Mobility


I notice that a cycle path is planned to run the length of the Glen from east to west. I do not think this is appropriate.


I would like to point out that the lower (western) half of the Glen River Park is a v-shaped valley with steep sides. There is one path running alongside the river. If a cycle path were to be made here it would effectively make walking almost impossible, possibly dangerous. A park is a place where peole go to 'chill out' they should not have to be constantly on the look out for speeding bikes. A normal thoroughfare-footpath might accommodate a cycle path and pedestrians, but a relatively narrow country laneway is a different space where people rarely travel in straight lines but wander about, allow thir kids to play around and explore and generally do not pay attention to traffic( because there should not be any). There is not enough space in this section of the Glen to accommodate both cycles and peole withouth doing major damage to the fundamental fabric of the hillside and thus ruining the appearance of the area. I would like to note also that any cycle path bisecting the Glen as this one does is going to create a thoroughfare. there will be no way to control motorised bikes or to control the speed of serious 'racing' cyclists.


The path would be better if it were diverted along the Glen perimeter.

Main reasons: 

The Glen is a place of relaxation, it should not be converted to a thoroughfare of any kind,

At least half of the Glen is too narrow for a both a cycle path and pedestrians for both to use it safely.