Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Pauric O'Connor

4. Transport and Mobility

As a current non cyclist who is in the process of buying an e bike for use in commuting and leisure activities, I think Cork has a real opportunity to be ambitious with its gloss for cycling as a modal shift from cars. Cycling has so much to offer the city. Air quality, climate change, reduced traffic congestion, improved health of people taking up cycling.


I have increasingly become aware of the effect car domination has on urban environments. As a Douglas resident it seems wrong to have a four lane road in a village beside a weekend I market. I think if we strive for converting more of our road space to active travel, our city will be just so much nicer to be spend time. It's not hard to see what's possible if you visit the Netherlands or Denmark. 

Thanks for reading

bicycle lanes

Better cycling infrastructure


two way segregated cycle lanes, better footpath and pedestrian spaces, remove parking

Main reasons: 

climate change, liveable city,