LIDL IRELAND GMBH – Site Specific Zoning Submission on subject lands at St. Ann’s Road, Monacnapa, Blarney, Cork

Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
The Planning Partnership
Líon na ndoiciméad faoi cheangal: 
Teorainneacha Gafa ar an léarscáil: 
The Planning Partnership

Litir Chumhdaigh

The Planning Partnership, The Coach House, Dundanion, Blackrock Road, Cork City, are instructed by Lidl Ireland GmbH, Head Office, Main Road, Tallaght, Dublin 24, to prepare this Site Specific Submission in relation to the ongoing Cork City Development Plan Review process and the publication of the subsequent Cork City Draft Development Plan 2022-2028.


Remove the designation for Proposed ACA, re-zone from ZO 02 New Residential Neighbourhoods to ZO 01 Sustainable Residential Neighbourhoods, and detail 2,000 sq m Net Retail Sales Area as a a 'local shopping' function.

The purpose of this submission is to seek the:

  1. Removal of the designation for Proposed ACA as the subject lands are brownfield with no justification or key buildings / groups of buildings of Architectural, Historical or Cultural merit, worthy to Conserve.
  2. Removal of the proposed ZO 02 New Residential Neighbourhoods zoning designation of the subject lands and assign the ZO 01 Sustainable Residential Neighbourhoods zoning, acknowledging the lands being brownfield lands which are fully serviced and located immediately adjacent Blarney Town Centre.
  3. To provide for specific convenience use(s) with a Net Retail Sales Area of 2,000 sq m or less, to be facilitated on the subject lands at St. Ann’s Road, Monacnapa, Blarney, Co. Cork, as such convenience store represent more of a 'local shopping' function, with a greater proportion of shoppers using alternative modes of transport (by foot or by public transport) to the private car, representing a more 'sustainable shopping pattern and experience' than mainstream supermarkets.

And that such be reflected/presented within the new Cork City Development Plan 2022 – 2028.  

Propose ACA
Brownfield Site
No justification or key buildings / groups of buildings of Architectural, Historical or Cultural merit, worthy to Conserve
Fully Serviced Lands
Immediately Adjacent Town Centre

Proposed ACA as the subject lands are brownfield with no justification or key buildings / groups of buildings of Architectural, Historical or Cultural merit, worthy to Conserve. Subject Lands are brownfield lands which are fully serviced and located immediately adjacent Blarney Town Centre. Specific convenience use(s) with a Net Retail Sales Area of 2,000 sq m or less represents more of a 'local shopping' function.


The purpose of this submission is to seek the:

1. Removal of the designation for Proposed ACA as the subject lands are brownfield with no justification or key buildings / groups of buildings of Architectural, Historical or Cultural merit, worthy to Conserve.

2. Removal of the proposed ZO 02 New Residential Neighbourhoods zoning designation of the subject lands and assign the ZO 01 Sustainable Residential Neighbourhoods zoning, acknowledging the lands being brownfield lands which are fully serviced and located immediately adjacent Blarney Town Centre.

3. To provide for specific convenience use(s) with a Net Retail Sales Area of 2,000 sq m or less, to be facilitated on the subject lands at St. Ann’s Road, Monacnapa, Blarney, Co. Cork, as such convenience store represent more of a 'local shopping' function, with a greater proportion of shoppers using alternative modes of transport (by foot or by public transport) to the private car, representing a more 'sustainable shopping pattern and experience' than mainstream supermarkets.

And that such be reflected/presented within the new Cork City Development Plan 2022 – 2028

Main reasons: 

The subject lands now proposed to be included within the ACA of Blarney are brownfield in nature with no justification or key buildings / groups of buildings of Architectural, Historical or Cultural merit, worthy to Conserve, and is restricted to the extent of land which is currently subject to a Planning Application under Appeal with An Bord Pleanála under Planning Reference ABP-309152-21 (Cork City Council Planning Reference 20/39597. The proposed ACA designation does not extend to neighbouring lands to the west of the subject lands, or the Northern Residential Suburbs, or the norther surrounding hinterland’s elevated lands, all which are in full visual view of Blarney Castle as confirmed by Map 06 of the View Management Framework within Cork City Draft Development Plan 2022 – 2028.

The proposed ZO 02 New Residential Neighbourhoods zoning designation of the fully serviced brownfield lands located immediately adjacent to Blarney Town Centre, undermines the ability to present a logical form and pattern of development to support the sustainable and logical growth of Blarney, and does not allow the residents of Blarney to access the town centre via reduced motor vehicle movement.

Clarity is required in terms of the Planning Authority’s interpretation of the term ‘local convenience shop’, the extent of which is either established by the provisions of the Retail Planning Guidelines (2012), or the inclusion of a fixed Net Retail Sales Area of 2,000 sq m to the ZO 01 Sustainable Residential Neighbourhoods use referencing ‘local convenience shop’.

The ZO 01 Sustainable Residential Neighbourhoods include for acceptable uses in principle, specifically referencing that a local convenience shop is acceptable. However no further details are provided in terms of what constitutes, or defines, a local convenience shop. Subject to the key retail tests in terms of the Retail Planning Guidelines (2012), the location of new Foodstores should be promoted to complement the fulfilment of the local shopping function.

Suímh a bhaineann leis an aighneacht seo agus le tuairimí


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