Social inclusion, future accommodation and support needs of marginalised communities in Cork City

Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Cork Equal and Sustainable Communities Alliance (CESCA)

3. Delivering Homes and Communities

CESCA would like to congratulate the Council on the work undertaken in developing the plan. It is very welcome that the draft plan recognises the importance of social inclusion within Cork and specifically aims to reduce the marginalisation of specific communities within the city, including addressing health inequalities. We particularly welcome the commitments within the plan to work with local communities and other stakeholders to ensure social inclusion remains a cross cutting theme of development within the city. 

At this stage we would like to re-emphasise the points from our earlier submission calling on the Council to:

  • Ensure that the number of social housing and low-income units made available reflect population growth and local need; 
  • Ensure that housing polices reflect and address the specific needs of marginalised communities

We include a number of points in our submission regarding specific marginalised communities in the city and future accommodation and support needs. 

social inclusion
Social Housing
traveller accommodation
health inequalities