Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
UCC Environmental Society

5. Climate Change and Environment


Climate adaption and climate resilients is important, but we need to double down our efforts on climate action. Often climate adaption methods, e.g Flood defences, require a large amount of resources, and are carbon intensive. We risk failing into a feedback look of investing in climate adaption infastructure, which further contributes to climate change, instead of simply acting now to limit the effects of climate change. A less is more approach is often better, and adopting natural sollutions instead of over engineering solutions should be a priority.

5.21 talks about a just transition. I think as a city we need to go further than endorsing a just transition, but to also bring the idea of Climate Justice to the fore. While engaging those in our own communities who may be disporportionately effected by climate change, it is also important to acknowledge that we are part of a global community. Communities around the world who contribute much less to the climate crisis, but will be disportionately effected by it, such as coastal communites and island communities, deserve our compassion and support. Cork City should double down on our climate action to support these communites. Our climate action must not ignore growth as an issue. Our use of space, and our expansion of the city contributes to carbon emmissions and waste.

5.26 outlines Waste Management and Adaptable Buildings. I believe more emphasis must be put on our use of space, fully utilising existing space, combating dereliction and land hoarding. Where possible, existing buildings should be renovated. The most sustainable building is the one that already exists. Adaptable buidlings are also important for providing community spaces, and an emphasis on socially inclusive spaces should be made when renovating or building new buidlings.



Climate Justice
Climate Action
Natural Solutions
Sustainable Buildings
Unsustainable Growth

We need a climate justice approach to our climate action. We can't be reliant on future technologies to save us in the future, we must do our best with what we have now.


Integrate climate justice into the development plan. Move away from unsustainable growth. Shift more resources towards action now, which will prevent the need for adaption in the future.

Main reasons: 

We must ensure our climate action is accelerated, and that we are acting for vulnerable communities, and ensuring their voices are heard.