Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Ballincollig AFC

Zoning Maps


Reference: BAFC  rezoning “ Material Alteration” Draft City Development Plan.

To whom it concerns,

I am writing to you on behalf of Ballincollig AFC regarding the the rezoning of the land known as the Landing Field from Residential to open space land. 

Having this land rezoned back to open space for recreational use only like it was originally intended is of the utmost importance for Ballincollig AFC, in order that the club can at last after over 20 years be given the deeds to their pitches and adjoining land in order to be able to progress with updating their facilities which are very badly in need of updating, more importantly is the fact that the Ballincollig AFC get these deeds so that we can apply for funding in order to make these badly needed updates. 

The club was recently refused a planning retention application, that we were asked to apply for, due to the land being zoned for residential use, something we were totally unaware of we were never going to get planning for retention of our dressing rooms, also it explained why in over 20 years we had not been given the deeds to the land that was gifted to us by the defence minister when Murphy Barracks closed 1998. We now anxiously await this Material Alteration being passed and the land returning to recreational use only, and then receiving our Deeds as a matter of urgency once this is done.

Yours sincerely on behalf of Ballincollig AFC

Gerardene McNamara


[Mobile No. Redacted]

Laura O’ Neill


[Mobile No. Redacted]


recreational use
supports the rezoning from residential to open space land