Appendix 4 - Strategic Flood Risk Assessment
Section 1 Introduction and Policy Background
1.1 Introduction and Terms of Reference
Cork City Council has prepared the Draft Cork City Development Plan 2022-2028 hereafter referred to as the “Draft Plan”. The preparation of the Draft Plan is undergoing an appropriate level of Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) in accordance with The Planning System and Flood Risk Management - Guidelines for Planning Authorities (Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government and Office of Public Works, 2009) and Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government Circular PL 2/2014. The SFRA provides an assessment of flood risk and includes mapped boundaries for Flood Risk Zones.
The SFRA in an ongoing process, alongside the Plan-preparation process, and will be updated to take into account, for example, any new information or any future changes to the Draft Plan on foot of submissions.
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