Skills & Human Capital

Dúnta24 Bea, 2016, 08:00 - 14 Mei, 2016, 17:10

“At the beginning of the nineteenth century the Cork Institution extended its objects. Its library was enlarged by a valuable collection of scientific books, the collection of minerals augmented, and the agricultural section supplied with models of the most approved instruments….Lectures were delivered during the greater part of the year on natural history, chemistry and agriculture by eminent scientists.” Michael Holland; ‘Cultural Associations in Cork’ in Cork City: Its History and Antiquities, p99

Skills & Human Capital – Policy

The European Commission’s Country Report Ireland 2015 highlighted the issue of skills mismatches in the Irish labour market resulting from the structural rebalancing of the national economy (particularly between the non-tradable and tradable sectors). The Commission’s report notes that the education and training system in Ireland faces challenges in re-skilling and up-skilling the population.

To tackle this, a series of further education, training and apprenticeship reforms have been implemented or proposed by the government in recent years. The Further Education and Training Strategy 2014-2019 was recently adopted by the Further Education and Training Authority (SOLAS). This strategy seeks to provide a roadmap and overarching framework to guide the transformation of the sector in developing a world-class integrated system of further education and training. The Action Plan for Jobs (APJ) 2015 and Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures both elaborate a range of education and skilled-related actions. The APJ is particularly focused on a ‘national talent drive’ aimed at increasing the numbers of ICT and science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) graduates by 2018.

Skills & Human Capital - Stats and Facts

More than 15% of the City’s 2014 Live Register of Unemployment were under 25 yrs old

There is a distinct spatial pattern to unemployment levels in Cork city, with areas in the southwest and southeast generally having lower levels and higher levels in all four RAPID Areas.  In April 2014, there were 16,003 persons on the Live Register in Cork City, with 2,332 under the age of 25 (15% of the total Live Register). 1,444 (62%) of this number were males and 888 (38%) were females. Examples of skills shortages SOLAS (the State organisation responsible for further education and training) have identified in the Cork area include:  Engineering, chemical, biological and biochemistry scientists, cardiac and biotechnology technicians and tool makers & fitters (high tech manufacturing).

The Labour Force Unemployment rate in Cork City in 2011 was 22%, being above both the national (19%) and regional averages (20%). The northwest of the city (30%) and north-central (28%) had the highest rates. The Labour Force Participation Rate (LFPR) in Cork City in 2011 was 54%, being below both the national (62%) and regional averages (60%). The southwest of the city has the lowest LFPR (41%), reflecting its older age profile.