Social inclusion & equality

Dúnta24 Bea, 2016, 8:00am - 14 Mei, 2016, 5:10pm

To reduce the marginalisation of specific communities within the city, taking into account the nine grounds and socio economic status.



Contact (Lead and Partners)

Action Ref. #

Promote and support Social Inclusion and Equality inter-agency initiatives in the city through the LCDC.


Provide a forum for facilitating and overcoming any barriers in the delivery of all Social Inclusion and Equality strategies in the City.



Continue to support the Traveller community in the City

Support the work of the Traveller's Interagency Strategy, including the:

  • The Traveller Education Sub-group
  • The Traveller Cultural Awareness Group


Traveller’s inter-agency group, Cork ETB and LCDC.



Support the work of the Local Traveller Accommodation Committee


Traveller’s inter-agency group and LCDC.


Promote LGBT equality in Cork City

Support LGBT Inter-agency group.

LCDC and other stakeholders in the City



Continue to promote and support delivery of LGBT Awareness week amongst Public Sector bodies and State Agencies.


LCDC and other stakeholders in the City



Continue to develop links with Cork Pride and deliver an LGBT Festival annually

LCDC and other stakeholders in the City


Promote the implementation of the Public Sector Human Rights and Equality Duty in Cork City.

Promote Equality and Social Equity in the City through providing continuing training to State Agencies, Private Sector and Community Groups on Equality and Human Rights Obligations.


CESCA, Cork City Council and LCDC.



Set up an Equality Sub-committee to strengthen the LCDC’s  contribution to equality and social inclusion via mechanisms such as SICAP and other government programmes delivered through LCDCs.


LCDC and other stakeholders in the City



Co-ordinate a Cork Equality Day, building to a weeklong Equality Festival through the life span of the LECP.


CESCA, LCDC and Cork City Partnership


Continue to implement the RAPID programme; targeting the most disadvantaged communities in the City.

Establish a new RAPID Area Based Committee structure.

Cork City Council, Cork County Council, HSE, CETB, An Garda Siochana, Cork City Partnership and other local stakeholders and City bodies



Continue to deliver the community wardens and community grants services.


Cork City Council, Cork County Council, HSE, CETB, An Garda Siochana, Cork City Partnership and other local stakeholders and City bodies


To fully develop the potential of Cork as a diverse, inclusive and multi-cultural city.

Develop a clear strategy, action and monitoring plan for the integration of ethnic minority communities, including robust anti discrimination and equality measures


Cork City Council, NASC, City Partnership, CESCA, LCDC and NCP.



Develop targeted measures and supports to address the needs of particularly vulnerable ethnic minority groups  - such as Asylum Seekers, The Roma Community and Migrant Women.


Cork City Council, NASC, City Partnership, CESCA, LCDC and NCP.



Promote the delivery of festivals and awareness events on specific communities/issues to wider city population, e.g. Africa Day, Diversity Days etc.


Cork City Council, NASC, City Partnership, CESCA, LCDC and NCP.



Investigate possible shared physical community space in city centre that marginalised communities, new communities would have ease of access to for own events.


LCDC, Cork City Council and other stakeholders in the City



Promote the Yellow Flag Programme in schools, expanding the number of schools adopting the programme.


LCDC and Cork City Council


Support the implementation of Nationally driven Social Inclusion measures

Deliver and support Social Inclusion programmes such as;

  • Continue to support and review the SICAP plan 2015-2017.
  • Local Employment Service
  • Community Outreach Drugs Awareness Programme
  • Tús Programme
  • Simon Social Inclusion Programme
  • Friendly Call service
  •  Asylum Seekers Outreach Service
  •  0-6 Childcare network training and advice and information
  • And other programmes


LCDC, DSP, CCP, Tusla, Cork ETB, SIMON, HSE and other relevant stakeholders in the city.


Promote awareness of disability issues in Cork City.

Support a People with Disabilities Interagency Group.





Develop and support of an online information source, detailing accessibility levels of places and spaces in the City.


