Fishers’ interests and livelihoods must be fully recognised, supported, and taken into account.

Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Dept. of Agriculture, Food and the Marine

6. Green and Blue Infrastructure, Open Space and Biodiversity


Commercial sea fishing is a long standing, pre-existing and traditional activity in the marine environment.  The evaluation and consideration of potential impacts on any commercial sea fishing activities needs to be given consideration as part of any planning/proposal process and during the development process itself. It is imperative that engagement should be sought with the fishing industry and other relevant stakeholders at as early a stage as possible to discuss any changes that may affect them to afford a chance for their input. Fishers’ interests and livelihoods must be fully recognised, supported, and taken into account.


On page 200 of the Draft Development Plan the following appears: “6.64 Any agricultural or fishing or aquaculture activities related developments would be considered subject to compliance with the Habitats and Birds Directives and in consultation with Inland Fisheries Ireland as relevant.” It is important to note if commercial fisheries are involved, DAFM are the competent authority. Further, on page 19 of the Natura Impact Report the following appears: Paragraph 6.64 requires that “Any agricultural or fishing/aquaculture activities related developments or would be considered subject to compliance with the Habitats and Birds Directives and in consultation with Inland Fisheries Ireland as relevant” The text had not been reproduced exactly here.


On page 132 of the SEA, potential negative impacts must include impacts on fishermen in the marine environment. This includes any potential loss of access to fisheries grounds in case of offshore wind farm construction.


marine environment
negative impacts
offshore wind farms
Main opinion: 

The evaluation and consideration of potential impacts on any commercial sea fishing activities needs to be given consideration as part of any planning/proposal process and during the development process itself.

Main requests: 

Fishers’ interests and livelihoods must be fully recognised, supported, and taken into account.

Main reasons: 

Potential negative impacts must include impacts on fishermen in the marine environment