Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Blackpool Co-operative Services Ltd.

3. Delivering Homes and Communities

Ref: 3.86 'Libraries'

A new purpose built Library, in Blackpool, would be far more suitable and cost effective in the long term.  The existing library is in a leased building and was considered a temporary measure.  The bookmakers located under the library is less than ideal.  Developing the new Library in the centre of Blackpool Village will be beneficial to the Library Service and give the Village a much needed social and economic boost.

Ref: 3.56 Delivering Inclusive Communities

Best practice in Urban Design is the inclusion of essential services such as Libraries.  The modern Library Service provides access to much more than books.  Investment in Blackpool Library will copper fasten and support the good work and community engagement currently being carried out by Blackpool Library.

Ref: 3.58 & 3.59  Community Hubs & Adaptable Facilities

A new Library would be a flexible Community Hub.  Maximising use of space and sharing facilities. Providing study space, meeting and event space.  Locating it near the Community Centre will enhance community engagement.  Provide a space for local learning institutions, training centres and art and drama projects in the area. The Library would be a focal point for cultural projects and groups in the area.

Relocate the Library near the Blackpool Bridge - where Thomas Davis St., Great William O'Brien St and Watercourse Rd., meet.  This area has already been identified as an appropriate location in a report by the City Library and Cork Centre for Architectural Education.  The Retail Park is not the focal point of the Village. Blackpool Credit Union building is currently for sale and could be utilised and developed - meeting the City Development Plan and the City Library Strategy Objectives and maximising the use of space in a built up urban area.

Objective 3.1 (c) (f) Planning for Sustainable Neighbourhoods

To include a new Library in Blackpool is consistant with the principles of 'Sustainable Residential Development in Urban Areas' and in accordance with the aims to plan for communities. And consistant with 'Sustainable Place Framework' of the RSES, creating a healthy and attractive place to live. Respond, Tuath and the City Council have built much welcomed new homes in the community.  The Library Service is an essential part of any community's infrastructure and will service the new and existing population.

Objective 3.29 Libraries

Amend the wording - 'Delivery of upgraded/replacement facilities' in Blackpool to 'Identify and secure space for a new library in Blackpool Village'.