Cork City Development Plan 2022 - 2028 Stage 1: Pre-plan Consultation Issues Paper

Closed26 Jun, 2020, 00:00 - 21 Aug, 2020, 16:00

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Preliminary Public Consultation

Cork City Council has commenced the preparation of a new City Development Plan 2022-2028, and you are invited to make a submission on what key issues you think the new City Plan should consider. This is your opportunity to influence the key priorities for our city going forward.

Cork City plays a strategic role in driving the economic, social, cultural and environmental development of the southern region.

This is the first of three formal public consultations. Please refer to our Process Overview document on our website for details on the Plan process

Please note that pursuant to section 11 of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 (as amended) requests or proposals for zoning of particular land for any purpose cannot be considered at this stage of the development plan process (even if they are included in any submission(s) received).

The Issues Paper ‘Our City, Our Future’ focuses on the strategic themes of Climate Change, Social Inclusion, Sustainable and Active Travel, Housing, Economy, Health, Education, Biodiversity Loss and Place-making, Sport and Recreation. These all influence our everyday lives.

This 8 week preliminary public consultation period runs from Friday 26th June 2020 until Friday 21st August 2020. Please make your submissions in line with the themes within the 'Our City, Our Future' document and include a summary of the key points you wish to make.

Cork City Council welcomes everyone (including young people or groups/ organizations representing the views of young people) to offer their views and observations to enable us to develop a comprehensive and inclusive Draft City Development Plan 2022-2028.

We look forward to having a meaningful conversation on the future of our city and encourage everybody to take part in the process. Details of events taking place during the consultation process will be available at

forumHave your say

Submissions or observations are invited from all and can be made by the following means:

• Using this on-line submission portal 

• By posting your submission to
Development Plan Submissions, Strategic and Economic Development, City Hall, Anglesea Street, Cork T12 T997


Please note, in accordance with Section 19 of the Planning and Development (Amendment) Act, 2018 all valid submissions shall be published online within 10 working days of receipt by Cork City Council.


Cork City Council is subject to the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act, 2014, the Data Protection Act 2018 and to the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). 

Cork City Council’s GDPR policy and Privacy Policy is available on our website 

Should you have any queries please:


  • call us on phone number 021 492 4757