4.6 Cork City Council Adaptation Actions
Cork City Council Adaptation Actions
Note: Use Scroll Bar at the end of each table to view all Table Information
Local Adaptation Governance and Business Operations
Objective 1: To support the successful and practical implementation of climate adaptation planning. |
No. |
Action |
Responsible Lead Council Directorate / Team |
Council Teams |
External Partners |
Action Timeframe
Resourced |
1.1 |
Establish a Climate Action Steering Group with representatives from all the key functions of Cork City Council, to oversee the implementation of the actions of this climate change adaptation strategy. This Team will implement actions, report and review the progress of the strategy and will encourage local innovation.
Strategic and Economic Development |
Climate Action Steering Group |
Short |
In Progress |
1.2 |
Integrate climate action into Cork City Council Service Delivery Programmes and provide for its translation into Team Development Plans and Personal Development Plans, to enable actions to be directly pursued by all relevant business units.
Senior Management Team
All Directorates
Climate Action Steering Group |
Short |
1.3 |
Ensure that climate action is a regular standing item on the agenda of Senior Management Team (SMT) meetings and relevant Strategic Policy Committees (SPCs), with bi-annual progress reports submitted to the Climate Action Steering Group, as required.
Senior Management Team |
All Directorates
Strategic Policy Committees
Short |
1.4 |
Liaise with the Climate Action Regional Office (CARO) and provide appropriate progress reports. Assist the local CARO in its development as a ‘Centre of Excellence’ for the region. |
Strategic and Economic Development
Climate Action Steering Group
Short - Medium |
Yes |
1.5 |
Ensure that climate action is a key consideration in the assessment of all planning applications and provide guidance on climate action to developers in Cork City.
Strategic and Economic Development
Climate Action Steering Group Community, Culture and Placemaking |
Southern Regional Assembly
Short |
In Progress |
Objective 2: To ensure that climate adaptation is mainstreamed into all relevant activities and operations of Cork City Council. |
No. |
Action |
Responsible Lead Council Directorate / Team |
Council Teams |
External Partners
Action Timeframe
2.1 |
The Climate Action Steering Group will be tasked with managing and overseeing the effective mainstreaming of climate adaptation measures into all plans, projects, programmes, strategies and policies of Cork City Council:
Climate Action Steering Group
Senior Management Team
All Directorates
Short - Medium |
In Progress
Objective 3: To develop and maintain a resource and risk model for Cork City Council. |
No. |
Action |
Responsible Lead Council Directorate / Team |
Council Teams |
External Partners
Action Timeframe
3.1 |
Evaluate Cork City Council’s activities that may be affected by climate change. The risk assessments will include:
Strategic and Economic Development
All Directorates
Climate Action Steering Group
Short - Medium |
In Progress |
3.2 |
Develop a system to document, monitor and analyse data on the impact of extreme weather events on Cork City Council. This will identify the actions required to adapt quickly and effectively to extreme weather events and to restore public services, taking into account the following baselines:
Roads and Environmental Operations
Climate Action Steering Group
Customer Services Unit
Flood and Severe Weather Assessment Teams
Major Emergency Management Team
Short |
In Progress |
Objective 4: To build resilience within Cork City Council to support service delivery. |
No. |
Action |
Responsible Lead Council Directorate / Team |
Council Teams |
External Partners
Action Timeframe
4.1 |
Develop Business Continuity Plans to identify and address specifically the impacts associated with extreme weather events on all functions/services of Cork City Council and to explore potential opportunities to increase resilience. This will involve:
Roads and Environmental Operations
Plant and Machinery
ICT Services
Severe Weather Assessment Team
Corporate Affairs and International Relations |
Short - Medium |
Not yet Identified |
4.2 |
Develop a Communications Contingency Plan to identify essential key staff to be able to access all essential council systems remotely, so as to reduce or eliminate impacts on statutory deadlines and backlog. This will include:
ICT Services
Severe Weather Assessment Team
Fire Services
Corporate Affairs and International Relations |
Defence Forces
Port of Cork
Irish Water
Health Services Executive |
Short - Medium |
Not yet Identified |
Objective 5: To build capacity within Cork City Council to respond effectively to extreme weather events. |
No. |
Action |
Responsible Lead Council Directorate / Team |
Council Teams |
External Partners
Action Timeframe
5.1 |
Develop a climate change training programme to educate staff and elected members on the implications of climate change and how to effectively address the effects of climate change on Council operations and services and to build capacity within Cork City Council. |
Training Department
All Directorates |
Short -Medium |
In Progress |
5.2 |
Assist in building resilience and capacity within local businesses and communities to enhance the overall response to extreme weather events. |
Community, Culture and Placemaking
Climate Action Steering Group
Cork Chamber
Cork Business Association
Short - Long |
Not yet Identified |
5.3 |
Support existing extreme weather event response arrangements and investigate further deployment of early warning systems (e.g. Flood Early Warning System (FEWS)), along with reviewing and collating information on existing early warning systems.
Roads and Environmental Operations
ICT Services
Severe Weather Assessment Team
Met Éireann
Office of Public Works
Transport Infrastructure Ireland |
Short - Long |
In Progress |
5.4 |
Investigate the potential for technology-based solutions for the coordination of responses to climate events in the areas of ICT and GIS. |
ICT Services
Fire Service
Severe Weather Assessment Team
Short |
Not yet Identified |
Objective 6: To identify and support opportunities that may arise from pursuing adaptation efforts through the functions of Cork City Council |
No. |
Action |
Responsible Lead Council Directorate / Team |
Council Teams |
External Partners
Action Timeframe
6.1 |
Identify, source and leverage funding streams for the implementation of climate change actions (including both adaptation and mitigation). |
Strategic and Economic Development
All Directorates
Climate Action Steering Group
Southern Regional Assembly
Energy Cork |
Short - Long
In Progress
6.2. |
Support, encourage and develop the move to digital services and exploit new ideas which seek to capture opportunities associated with the environmental and technological advances that support climate actions. An example would be leveraging the progress achieved during the Smart Cities project. |
Strategic and Economic Development
All Directorates
ICT Services
Cork City Energy Agency
Public Participation Network
Cork Environment Forum |
Short - Long |
In Progress |
Infrastructure and Built Environment
Objective 7: To increase the resilience of roads and transport infrastructure. |
No. |
Action |
Responsible Lead Council Directorate / Team |
Council Teams |
External Partners
Action Timeframe
7.1 |
Develop a system to document, monitor and analyse roads and transport infrastructure that is vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and severe weather events including roads, bridges, walking and cycling facilities, rail and bus networks, the airport and the seaport. The system shall take into account the following:
Roads and Environment Operations
Major Emergency Management Team
Flood Assessment Team
Planning Policy Team
Local Enterprise Office
Smart Cities
Healthy Cities
Learning Cities |
Cork County Council, Civil Defence, Cork Airport, Port of Cork, Bus Éireann, Irish Rail, National Transport Authority, Transport Infrastructure Ireland, Cork Chamber, Cork Business Association, Public Participation Network, Irish Water, Eirgrid, Gas Networks Ireland. |
Short |
To be Assessed
Objective 8: To increase the resilience of Cork City Council buildings, housing stock, parks and cemeteries and other capital assets. |
No. |
Action |
Responsible Lead Council Directorate / Team |
Council Teams |
External Partners
Action Timeframe
8.1 |
Develop a system, in the context of climate vulnerabilities, for the management of capital assets, including buildings, housing stock, fleet, recreation areas and public amenities:
Roads and Environment Operations
Infrastructure Development (Capital Delivery Office)
Climate Action Steering Group
Plant and Machinery |
Short - Medium |
To be Assessed
8.2 |
Identify, resource and install new technologies (or update existing) in council buildings/housing assets to reduce the impacts of climate change on staff, customers, the general public and residents.
Housing & Corporate Affairs and International Relations
Roads and Environment Operations
Building Control City Architect |
To be Assessed
8.3 |
Review the Social Housing Tenant’s Handbook to increase awareness of extreme weather events and provide climate change resilience information to the tenants. |
Housing |
Community, Culture and Placemaking |
To be Assessed
8.4 |
Support the rollout of electric vehicles and electric vehicle-charging infrastructure in Cork city, beginning with Cork City Council’s fleet.
Roads and Environment Operations
Plant and Machinery
Energy Team |
Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI)
Energy Cork Transport Infrastructure Ireland |
Short |
To be Assessed
Land Use and Development
Objective 9: To integrate climate action considerations into land use planning policy and influence positive behaviour. |
No. |
Action |
Responsible Lead Council Directorate / Team |
Council Teams |
External Partners
Action Timeframe
9.1 |
Identify and integrate climate change actions into the Development Plan and Local Area Plans.
Integrate climate action as a guiding principle and strategic objective, thus tailoring planning policies to reduce the vulnerability of Cork city to the impacts of climate change, by:
Strategic and Economic Development
All Directorates
Climate Action Steering Group
Short |
In Progress
9.2 |
Engage with energy and service providers to ensure that energy infrastructure and services are resilient to the impacts of climate change.
Roads and Environment Operations
Climate Action Steering Group
Eirgrid ESB
Bord Gais
Gas Networks Ireland |
Short |
To be Assessed |
9.3 |
Ensure that climate change is a key consideration in selecting locations for future developments and that this is reflected in land use zoning policy. |
Strategic and Economic Development
Community, Culture and Placemaking |
Short - Medium |
Yes |
Drainage, Water and Flood Management
Objective 10: To adapt to the increased risk and impact of flooding due to climate change.
No. |
Action |
Responsible Lead Council Directorate / Team |
Council Teams |
External Partners
Action Timeframe
10.1 |
Develop a flood risk management system for council assets and services:
Roads and Environment Operations
Climate Action Steering Group
Flood Assessment Team |
Port of Cork
Short - Medium |
To be Assessed |
10.2 |
Work with the Office of Public Works (OPW) and other organisations to share information in relation to flood risk and in the development of major and minor flood protection and flood proofing schemes throughout Cork city. |
Roads and Environment Operations
Climate Action Steering Group
Flood Assessment Team |
Flood Early Warning System (FEWS) ESB
Port of Cork |
Short |
Yes |
10.3 |
Ensure that flood event emergency response plans are reviewed on a regular basis to reflect the degree of flood risk.
Roads and Environment Operations
Flood Assessment Team
Fire Service
Flood Early Warning System (FEWS) ESB
Short |
Yes |
10.4 |
Identify natural floodplains in Cork city and incorporate nature-based solutions in any enhancement works where possible. |
Roads and Environment Operations
Flood Assessment Team |
Flood Early Warning System (FEWS)
Medium –Long |
To be Assessed |
10.5 |
Identify areas susceptible to isolation as a consequence of flooding and establish measures to address this issue.
Infrastructure Development (Capital Delivery Office)
Flood Assessment Team
Roads and Environment Operations
Fire Service
Flood Early Warning System (FEWS)
Civil Defence
Defence Forces
Short |
To be Assessed
10.6 |
Review the current drainage systems for which Cork City Council is responsible for, by:
Roads and Environment Operations
Infrastructure Development (Capital Delivery Office)
Irish Water |
In Progress |
10.7 |
Develop a system for the upgrade of drainage networks, including the separation of sewer and surface water to increase resilience capacity. |
Infrastructure Development (Capital Delivery Office)
Flood Assessment Team
Irish Water |
Medium |
In Progress |
10.8 |
Investigate the use of smart monitoring in the management of the drainage systems for which Cork City Council is responsible for. |
Roads and Environment Operations
ICT Services |
Irish Water |
Short |
To be Assessed |
Objective 11: To provide adequate drinking water supply and waste water treatment during extreme weather events.
No. |
Action |
Responsible Lead Council Directorate / Team |
Council Teams |
External Partners
Action Timeframe
11.1 |
Support Irish Water in the provision of treated water from major water treatment plants during extreme weather events. |
Roads and Environment Operations
Major Emergency Management Team
Irish Water |
Short - Long |
To be Assessed
11.2 |
Ensure the emergency services have access to water during extreme weather events (snow, frost, ice and drought). |
Roads and Environment Operations
Major Emergency Management Team Fire Service |
Irish Water |
Short - Long |
In Progress |
Objective 12: To liaise and work with other bodies and agencies responsible for the management of water sources.
No. |
Action |
Responsible Lead Council Directorate / Team |
Council Teams |
External Partners
Action Timeframe
12.1 |
Support Irish Water where possible in identifying public drinking water sources vulnerable to climate change. Support the implementation of source protection and or the identification of alternative sources, in order to maintain water quantity and quality levels.
Roads and Environment Operations |
Healthy Cities |
Irish Water
Short - Long
To be Assessed
12.2 |
Support Irish Water where possible to identify the impacts of power outages of varying durations on specific water and wastewater scheme operations. Support the identification of critical and vulnerable receptors.
Roads and Environment Operations |
Healthy Cities |
Irish Water
Short |
To be Assessed
12.3 |
Liaise, support and work with Irish Water in the development, conservation and upgrade of the water supply systems so as to ensure Cork city has an adequate supply of water to address climate change demands. |
Roads and Environment Operations
Healthy Cities |
Irish Water
Short |
To be Assessed
Nature, Natural Resources and Cultural Infrastructure
Objective 13: To protect and enhance and restore the natural environment.
No. |
Action |
Responsible Lead Council Directorate / Team |
Council Teams |
External Partners
Action Timeframe
13.1 |
Support and enhance a shrub and tree planting programme for Cork City in conjunction with an awareness campaign in the context of climate adaptation. The tree planting programme will include the protection of existing trees, increasing tree cover, identifying new sites for additional tree planting and the protection of trees on private land. Support the planting of native species. |
Roads and Environment Operations |
Community, Culture and Placemaking |
Cork Environment Forum
Coillte |
Short – Medium
In Progress
13.2 |
Review roadside hedge maintenance programmes in conjunction with landowners. |
Roads and Environment Operations |
Community, Culture and Placemaking |
Short - Long |
To be Assessed |
13.3 |
Support and enhance a programme for monitoring and controlling the spread of alien invasive species. Alien invasives will become more of a problem due to climate change, thus increasing threats to native species, in addition to causing structural damage to infrastructure. |
Roads and Environment Operations
Community, Culture and Placemaking
National Parks and Wildlife Service |
Short - Long
To be Assessed
13.4 |
Support and enhance a pollinator plan, paying attention to the threats from climate change e.g. seasonal disruption, increased severe weather events. |
Roads and Environment Operations
Community, Culture and Placemaking
National Parks and Wildlife Service |
Short - Long
To be Assessed
13.5 |
Identify potential ecological corridors and connectivity issues between areas. Identify the potential to open up culverted rivers and incorporate softer engineering solutions.
Identify locations to create new habitats for native flora and fauna e.g. urban orchards, allotments, green roofs and walls, which will assist in negating the ‘heat island effect’.
Protect existing wetlands and identify new ones which may arise as a result of climate change. |
Strategic and Economic Development
Community, Culture and Placemaking
Roads and Environment Operations |
National Parks and Wildlife Service |
Short - Long
To be Assessed
13.6 |
Protect natural resources through waste prevention and recycling. Support national and regional initiatives e.g. the policy actions of the Regional Waste Management Plan, the EPA’s Local Authority Prevention Network and Local Agenda 21.
Promote behavioural change in relation to the use of natural resources through initiatives as the ‘Waste prevention grant scheme’.
Work with communities to enable them to develop an appreciation of natural resource protection, thus highlighting the link with climate change.
Roads and Environment Operations
Community, Culture and Placemaking
Waste Enforcement Regional Lead Authorities (WERLA)
Short - Long
In Progress
13.7 |
Adopt ‘Green Public Procurement’, moving from ‘most economically advantageous’ to a ‘life-cycle costing model.
Finance |
Climate Action Steering Group
Office of Government Procurement |
Short - Long
To be Assessed
Objective 14: To review, manage and protect biodiversity and natural heritage within the natural environment.
No. |
Action |
Responsible Lead Council Directorate / Team |
Council Teams |
External Partners
Action Timeframe
14.1 |
Collaborate with the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) and research organisations (UCC, CIT, Marine Institute) in the review of biodiversity plans and habitat conservation strategies, and projects to identify risks from adverse climate change impacts.
Work with communities and schools to create and implement local Biodiversity Action Plans. |
Strategic and Economic Development
Roads and Environment Operations
National Parks and Wildlife Service
Marine Institute |
Short - Long
To be Assessed |
14.2 |
Develop a green infrastructure strategy and associated action plan, including:
Strategic and Economic Development
Roads and Environment Operations
Architects |
National Parks and Wildlife Service
Tidy Towns
Cork Environment Forum |
Short - Long
To be Assessed |
Objective 15: To support and enhance built heritage and cultural infrastructure.
No. |
Action |
Responsible Lead Council Directorate / Team |
Council Teams |
External Partners
Action Timeframe
15.1 |
Develop a system to document, monitor and deliver actions on reducing the impacts of climate change on Cork City Council’s natural and built heritage and cultural assets, including the following:
Strategic and Economic Development
Climate Action Steering Group
Short - Long
To be Assessed |
15.2 |
Raise awareness and support positive behavioural change among staff, schools, community, homeowners and developers. Actions to include:
Strategic and Economic Development
Climate Action Steering Group
Short - Long
To be Assessed |
Citizen Safety, Health and Wellbeing
Objective 16: To consult, identify actions and build capacity and resilience within local communities. |
No. |
Action |
Responsible Lead Council Directorate / Team |
Council Teams |
External Partners
Action Timeframe
16.1 |
Develop public awareness campaigns to increase knowledge of and encourage behavioural change around climate change and extreme weather events. Activities to include:
Strategic and Economic Development
Corporate Affairs and International Relations
Community, Culture and Placemaking
Climate Action Steering Group |
MET Éireann
To be Assessed |
16.2 |
Develop and implement a programme to enhance the capacity of citizens, businesses and communities to respond to and recover from extreme weather events with specific aims to:
Roads and Environment Operations
Corporate Affairs and International Relations
Climate Action Steering Group
Fire Services
Local Enterprise Office |
Civil Defence
Health and Safety Authority
Short - Medium
To be Assessed |
16.3 |
Raise awareness of the impacts of climate change and the ways for citizens, businesses and communities to respond appropriately and to increase resilience to these impacts. This should include:
Community, Culture and Placemaking
Fire Service
Climate Action Steering Group
Healthy Cities
Local Enterprise Office
Public Participation Network
Civil Defence
OPW Gardaí
Health and Safety Authority
Irish Water
Port of Cork
Cork Airport
Irish Rail
Waterways Ireland Transport Infrastructure Ireland |
To be Assessed |
16.4 |
Explore ways Cork City Council can help older, vulnerable and isolated people/communities to become more climate resilient. |
Community, Culture and Placemaking
Strategic and Economic Development
Climate Action Steering Group
Healthy Cities |
Public Participation Network
Age Action
Local Community Groups
Short - Medium |
To be Assessed |
16.5 |
Collaborate with third level and other research facilities to investigate the potential of climate action technologies and their application in Cork city, in conjunction with innovation and research funding at national and EU level. |
Strategic and Economic Development
Climate Action Steering Group
National and International Research Centres. |
Medium -Long |
To be Assesed |
Partnerships with other Sectors and Agencies
Objective 17: To collaborate with other sectors and agencies in programs relating to climate change.
No. |
Action |
Responsible Lead Council Directorate / Team |
Council Teams |
External Partners
Action Timeframe
17.1 |
Liaise, collaborate and work in relevant partnership with the sectors in the delivery of the sectoral adaptation actions, as approved by Government, where they are relevant to the functions and activities of Cork City Council. |
Strategic and Economic Development
All Directorates
Departments of:
Agriculture, Food and the Marine
Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht
Transport, Tourism and Sport
Communications, Climate Action and Environment
Housing, Planning and Local Government
Short - Long |
To be Asses |