Appendix C - References

Closed30 Jul, 2019, 17:00 - 13 Sep, 2019, 17:00

Appendix C:    References


  1. Southern Regional Assembly, 2019. Draft Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy for the Southern Region. p.306. Online: Available at: Accessed: 27 Feb 2019. 
  2. Government of Ireland. Climate Action and Low carbon Development Act 2015. Dublin: Stationery Office. 2015. 
  3. Government of Ireland. Local Authority Adaptation Strategy Development Guidelines. Dublin: Stationery Office. Department of Communications, Climate Action & Environment. December 2018.
  4. Met Éireann. Major Weather Events. Online: Available at:    Accessed: 03 April 2019. 
  5. DEHLG, 2006. A Framework for Major Emergency Management. Dublin: Department of the Environment, Heritage & Local Government. Online: Available at: Accessed: 03 April 2019. 
  6. Dwyer, N. & C.Murphy, 2012. River Discharge. The status of Ireland’s Climate 2012. N. Dwyer. Wexford, Ireland. Environmental Protection Agency. pp 124-126. 
  7. Steele-Dunne, S., Lynch, P., McGrath, R., Semmler, T., Wang, S., Hanafin, J., & Nolan P., 2014. The Impacts of Climate Change on Hydrology in Ireland. Journal of Hydrology. 356. 28-45. 
  8. Walsh, S. & N. Dwyer, 2012. Rainfall. The Status of Ireland's Climate 2012. N. Dwyer. Wexford, Ireland. Environmental Protection Agency. pp.14-16.
  9.  McGrath, R., Nishimura, E., Nolan, P., Semmler, T., Sweeney, C. & S. Wang, 2005. Climate Change:      Regional Climate Model Predictions for Ireland. Wexford, Ireland. Environmental Protection Agency.
  10. Sweeney, J., Albanito, F., Brereton, A., Caffarra, A., Charlton, R., Donnelly, A., Fealy, R., Fitzgerald, J., Holden, N., Jones, M. & C. Murphy, 2008. Climate Change - Refining the Impacts for Ireland. J.Sweeney. Wexford, Ireland. Environmental Protection Agency.
  11. Nolan, P., McGrath, R., Gleeson, E. & C. Sweeney, 2013. Impacts of climate change on Irish Precipitation. Ireland's Climate: The Road Ahead. Gleeson, E., McGrath, R. & M. Traenor. Dublin. Met Éireann. pp.57-63.
  12. Nolan, P., 2015. Ensemble of regional climate model projections for Ireland. Report No. 159. Wexford, Ireland. Environmental Protection Agency.
  13. Dwyer, N. & R. Devoy, 2012. Sea Level. The Status of Ireland's Climate 2012. N. Dwyer. Wexford, Ireland. Environmental Protection Agency. pp.73-76.
  14. EEA, 2012. Climate Change, Impacts and Vulnerabilities in Europe. European Environment Agency. Copenhagen.
  15. Nolan, N. & N. Dwyer, 2012. Ocean Surface and Sub-surface Temperature. The Status of Ireland's Climate 2012. N. Dwyer. Wexford, Ireland. Environmental Protection Agency. pp.58-61.
  16. Olbert, A.I., Dabrowski, T., Nash, S., & M. Hartnett, 2012. Regional Modelling of the 21st Century Climate Changes in the Irish Sea. Continental Shelf Research. 41. pp.28-60.
  17. Walsh, S. & N. Dwyer, 2012. Surface Air Temperature. The Status of Ireland's Climate 2012. N. Dwyer. Wexford, Ireland. Environmental Protection Agency. pp.10-13.
  18. Met Office, 2016. Heatwave. Online: Available at: < about-the-weather/weather-phenomena/heatwave>. Accessed: 03 April 2019.
  19. Nolan, G., Dwyer, N. & J. Gault, 2012. Sea State. The Status of Ireland's Climate 2012. N. Dwyer. Wexford, Ireland. Environmental Protection Agency. pp.68-70.
  20. Wang, S., McGrath, R., Hanafin, J., Lynch, P., Semmler, T., & Nolan, P., 2008. The Impact of Climate Change on Storm Surge over Irish Waters. Ocean Modelling. 25. 83-94.
  21. Walsh, S. & N. Dwyer, 2012. Surface Wind. The Status of Ireland's Climate 2012. N. Dwyer. Wexford, Ireland. Environmental Protection Agency. pp.19-21.
  22. Nolan, P., Lynch, P., McGrath, R., Semmler, T. & Wang, S, 2011. Simulating climate change and its effects on the wind energy resource of Ireland. Wind Energy. 2011.
  23. Desmond, M., 2015. Local Authority Climate Change Adaptation Guidelines. Climate Change Adaptation in Action: Science, Policy and Practice Seminar. November 4th - DECLG, Custom House, Dublin.
  24. Gray, S., 2016. Local Authority Adaptation Strategy Development Guidelines. Wexford, Ireland. Environmental Protection Agency.
  25. Tyrrell JG, Hickey KJ. 1991. A flood chronology for Cork City and its climatological background. Irish Geogr. 24, 81–90. (doi:10.1080/00750779109555764)
  26. Office of Public Works, 2017. Lower Lee (Cork City) Drainage Scheme Exhibition Report. Online: Available at: Accessed: 01 March 2019.
  27. Department of Housing Planning and Local Government, 2018. Project Ireland 2040 National Planning Framework. Online: Available at: Accessed: 13 March 2019.
  28. TII, 2016. National Road Lengths 2015. Dublin: Transport Infrastructure Ireland.
  29. DTTS, 2014. Investing In Our Transport Future: A Strategic Framework for Investment in Land Transport Background - Paper Thirteen - Analysis of Steady State Cost of Transport in Ireland. Dublin: Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport.
  30. Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht. National Biodiversity Action Plan 2017- 2021. Dublin: Stationery Office. 2017.
  31. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPPC), 2018: Summary for Policymakers. In: Global warming of 1.5 degrees C. An IPPC Special Report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5 degrees C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas pathways, in the context of strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change, sustainable development, and efforts to eradicate poverty [V. Masson-Delmotte et al]. World Meteorological Organisation, Geneva, Switzerland, 32 pp.
  32. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 2015. Greenhouse gas benchmark reached. Online: Available at: < 1153/Greenhouse-gas-benchmark-reached-.aspx>. Accessed: 19 Feb 2019.
  33. World Meteorological Organization, 2018. WMO Greenhouse Gas Bulletin. The State of Greenhouse Gases in the Atmosphere based on Global Observations through 2017. No. 14/22 November 2018. Online: Available at: Accessed: 19 Feb 2019.
  34. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2013. Summary for Policymakers. In: Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fifth Assessment Report of the IPCC. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. p.17.
  35. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPPC), 2014: Climate Change 2014; Synthesis Report. Contribution of Working Groups I, II and III to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Core Writing Team, R.K. Pachauri and L.A. Meyer (eds.)[ IPPC, Geneva, Switzerland, 151 pp.
  36. Cheng, L J., and Coauthors, 2019: 2018 continues record global ocean warming. Adv. Atmos. Science., 36(3), 249-252,
  37. World Meteorological Organization, 2013. The Global Climate 2001–2010 A Decade of Climate Extremes. Geneva, Switzerland. p.3.
  38. Climate Central, 2019: The 10 Hottest Global Years on Record. Online: Available at: Accessed: 19 Feb 2019.
  39. Government of Ireland. Sectoral Planning Guidelines for Climate Change Adaptation. Dublin: Stationery Office. Department of Communications, Climate Action & Environment. May 2018.