AA Appropriate Assessment
ABTA Area Based Transport Assessment
ACA Architectural Conservation Area
AHLV Areas of High Landscape Value
AHS Average Household Size
AIRO All Ireland Reservation Observatory
BRT Bus Rapid Transit
CARO Climate Action Regional Office
CASP Cork Area Strategic Plan
CBC Core Bus Corridor
CCAP Climate Change Action Plan
CCC Cork City Council
CCNP Cork Cycle Network Plan
CFRAMS Catchment Flood Risk Assessment and Management Study
CMATS Cork Metropolitan Area Transport Study
COMAH (Seveso II Directive) Control of Major Accident Hazards Involving Dangerous Substances
CRA Core Retail Area
CSIP Cork Science and Innovation Park
CSO Central Statistics Office
CUH Cork University Hospital
DAA Dublin Airport Authority
DAP Drainage Area Plan
DHLGH Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage (previously DHPLG, DHPCLG, DECLG, DEHLG)
DMURS Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets
DPH Dwellings per Hectare
DSR Derelict Sites Register
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
ESB Electricity Supply Board
ESRI Economic and Social Research Institute
EU European Union
EV Electric Vehicle
FAR Floor Area Ratio
FDI Foreign Direct Investment
GAA Gaelic Athletic Association
GBI Green and Blue Infrastructure
HNDA Housing Need and Demand Assessment
HSE Health Service Executive
ICT Information and Communication Technology
IDA Industrial Development Authority
LAP Local Area Plan
LCDC Local Community Development Committees
LECP Local Economic and Community Plan
LEO Local Enterprise Office
LIHAF Local Infrastructure Housing Activation Fund
LPZ Landscape Preservation Zone
MaaS Mobility as a Service
MASP Cork Metropolitan Area Strategic Plan
MTU Munster Technological University (formerly Cork Institute of Technology)
MUGA Multi-use Games Area
NBS Nature Based Solutions
NDP National Development Plan
NHA Natural Heritage Area
NIAH National Inventory of Architectural Heritage
NPF National Planning Framework
NPO National Planning Objective
NPWS National Parks and Wildlife Service
NSO National Strategic Outcome
NTA National Transport Authority
OPR Office of the Planning Regulator
OPW Office of Public Works
pNHA proposed Natural Heritage Area
PPN Public Participation Network
RAPID Revitalising Areas by Planning, Investment and Development
RMP Record of Monuments and Places
RPO Regional Policy Objective
RPS Record of Protected Structures
RSES Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy
RSO Regional Strategic Outcome
SAC Special Area of Conservation
SDG Sustainable Development Goals (United Nations)
SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment
SECAP Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan
SFRA Strategic Flood Risk Assessment
SOs Strategic Objectives (set out in this Development Plan)
SPA Special Protection Area
SPPR Specific Planning Policy Requirement
SRA Southern Regional Assembly
SSF Serviced Sites Fund
SUDS Sustainable Urban Drainage Solutions
TEN-T Trans European Transport Network
TII Transport Infrastructure Ireland
TOD Transport Oriented Development
TPO Tree Preservation Order
TTA Transport and Traffic Assessment
UCC University College Cork
UN United Nations
UNESCO UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
URDF Urban Regeneration and Development Fund