Appendix 1 - Statement of Conformity: Section 28 Ministerial Guidelines

Dúnta26 Iúil, 2021, 09:00 - 4 D.F., 2021, 16:00


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Statement of Conformity: Section 28 Ministerial Guideline

This Statement of Conformity sets out how this Development Plan has implemented the policies and objectives of Ministerial Guidelines issued under section 28 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended. It is a statutory requirement to append such a statement to a development plan under section 28 (1A) of the Act. The relevant Ministerial Guidelines are highlighted below with the corresponding.

Appropriate Assessment of Plans and Projects in Ireland: Guidance for Planning Authorities DEHLG (2009)  These guidelines have been implemented in Appendix 3 ‘Appropriate Assessment’.

Architectural Heritage Protection Guidelines for Planning Authorities (Revised 2011)
These guidelines have been implemented in Chapter 8 Heritage, Arts and Culture and Volume 3 Built Heritage Objectives.

Childcare Facilities: Guidelines for Planning Authorities DOELG (2001) and Ministerial Circular letter (PL 3/2016 Dept of Environment
Community and Local Government)

These guidelines have been implemented in Chapter 3 Delivering Homes and Communities.

Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets DHPLG (2019)
These guidelines have been implemented in Chapter 4 Transport and Mobility and Chapter 11 Placemaking and Managing Development.

Development Contributions: Guidelines for Planning Authorities DECLG (2013)
These guidelines are referenced in Chapter 13 Implementation, however Chapter 2 Core Strategy and other Chapters, including inter alia Chapter 4 Transport and Mobility, Chapter 9 Environmental Infrastructure and Chapter 10 Key Growth Areas and Neighbourhood Development Sites, will inform the preparation of the Development Contribution Scheme(s) once the final Plan is adopted.

Development Management: Guidelines for Planning Authorities DEHLG (2007)
These guidelines have been implemented in Chapter 11 Placemaking and Managing Development.

Development Plans: Guidelines for Planning Authorities DEHLG (2007)
These guidelines have been implemented throughout this Development Plan.

Guidelines for Local Authorities and An Bord Pleanála on Carrying Out Environmental Impact Assessments DHPLG (2018)
These guidelines are not relevant to the preparation of this Development Plan. However, reference is made in Chapter 11 Placemaking and Managing Development to the potential requirement for development proposals to be subject to environmental impact assessment (EIA).

Interim Guidelines for Planning Authorities on Statutory Plans, Renewable Energy and Climate Change DHPCLG (2017)
These guidelines have been implemented in Chapter 5 Climate and Environment, Chapter 9 Environmental Infrastructure and Chapter 11 Placemaking and Managing Development.

Local Area Plans: Guidelines for Planning Authorities DECLG (2013)
These guidelines are not relevant to this development plan making process.

Part V of the Planning and Development Act 2000 – Guidelines DHPCLG (2017)
These guidelines have been implemented within Chapter 3 Delivering Homes and Communities

Retail Planning: Guidelines for Planning Authorities DECLG (2012)
These guidelines have been implemented in Chapter 5 Economy and Employment and Chapter 11 Placemaking and Managing Development.

Spatial Planning and National Roads: Guidelines for Local Authorities DECLG (2012)
These guidelines have been implemented in Chapter 4 Transport and Mobility and Chapter 11 Placemaking and Managing Development.

Sustainable Residential Development in Urban Areas (Cities, Town and Villages): Guidelines for Planning Authorities and the accompanying Urban Design Manual: A Best Practice Guide) DEHLG (2009)
These guidelines have been implemented in Chapter 3 Delivering Homes and Communities and Chapter 11 Placemaking and Managing Development.

Sustainable Rural Housing: Guidelines for Planning Authorities DEHLG (2005)
These guidelines have been implemented in Chapter 3 Delivering Homes and Communities, Chapter 10 Key Growth Areas and Neighbourhood Development Sites and Chapter 11 Placemaking and Managing Development.

Sustainable Urban Housing, Design Standards for New Apartments: Guidelines for Planning Authorities DHPLG (2020)
These guidelines have been implemented in Chapter 3 Delivering Homes and Communities.

Telecommunications Antennae and Support Structures 1996 and Circular Letter PL 07/12
These guidelines have been implemented in Chapter 9 Environmental Infrastructure and Management and Chapter 11 Placemaking and Managing Development.

The Planning System and Flood Risk Management: Guidelines for Planning Authorities DEHLG (2009)
These guidelines have been implemented in Chapter 9 Environmental Infrastructure and Management, Chapter 11 Placemaking and Managing Development and Appendix 4 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment.

The Provision of Schools and the Planning System: A Code of Practice DEHLG, DES (2008)
These guidelines have been implemented in Chapter 3 Delivering Homes and Communities.

Tree Preservation Guidelines DOELG (1994)
These guidelines have been implemented in Chapter 6 Green and Blue Infrastructure, Open Space and Biodiversity.

Urban Development and Building Heights: Guidelines for Planning Authorities DHPLG (2018)
These guidelines have been implemented in Chapter 2 Core Strategy, Chapter 3 Delivering Homes and Communities, Chapter 11 Placemaking and Managing Development and the supporting document Urban Density, Building Height and Tall Building Strategy.

Universal Design Guidelines for Early Learning and Care Centres 2019
These guidelines have been implemented in Chapter 3 Delivering Homes and Communities.

Wind Energy Development: Guidelines for Planning Authorities DEHLG (2006) and Draft Revised Wind Energy Development Guidelines (2019)
These guidelines have been implemented in Chapter 5 Climate and Environment, Chapter 9 Environmental Infrastructure and Chapter 11 Placemaking and Managing Development.